Monday 22 October 2012

ELLE magazine featuring Blake

ELLE magazine is one of the high end fashion magazine that gets published all around the world.
On this issue there are lots of coverlines(puffs) around the main image however it does not disturb the main image because it's not scattered across the main image.
The colour scheme for this issue is black, red and white it gives out a statement but most inmportantly the colour do not clash togther and are visable for the readers.
The barcode is situated at the bottom right of the issue with the magazines website.
ELLE has blake featuring in this months magazine, Blake is well repeacted in the United States and is well known for appearing the television programme Gossip Girl.
By having Blake as head of the main image it gives people an instinct to buy the magazine purely on her carerr/ what she does to earn a living.

Friday 19 October 2012

BAZAAR high end fashion magazine featuring lindsay lohan

BAZAAR is a fashion issue for the the spring collection.
it has the new shoes to new bags. hair and make-up which is giving us ideas for new styles and a new image for the new season.

This fashion magazine is providing a range of new looks for the season trend for example '976 new looks'.
The magazine is simple with a few coverlines around the main image to show what else is in the issue for the week/month.
Lindsey Lohan is the main feature for the week/months issue giving the readers tips on "style secrets".The actress is making clear  eye contact with the audience.
The colour scheme to BAZAAR is black and white with a pink banner and white handwriting in the top right hand corner of the magazine cover.
Lindsay lohan is well known in the united states and the united kingdom however she is known all around the world, Lindsay is a well known actor and has featured in parent trap, freaky friday and others films, she has been in the pubic eye since she was a child as her parents are well known in the united states.

vintage style vogue

The vintage style vogue magazine is simple but elegant to the fashion industry.
The women lying face down with her head to the side is showing she's calm and relaxed still showing the type of outfit she's wearing.
This vogue magazine is simple with no coverlines, no dateline and no barcode however there is a masthead to show what magazine it is and a main image which is simple and elegant.
The colour scheme for the cover of vogue seems to be dull and plain.
Vogue has stepped the mark up the simpleness in the image is so peaceful it showing us a different side to Vogue and that it can change it's style to suit other fashions and people giving us to look at the magazine differently.

Thursday 18 October 2012

OK! "my dream wedding" khloe Kardashian on her dream day.

The wedding for Khloe and Lamar Odom is the main feature throughout this magazine.
However there are coverlines across the bottom of the issue showing there are other articles in the magazine then the kardashian wedding of the year.
The barcode is situated on the side of the magazine so it's not drawing any attention away from the main image khloe and lamar.
The issue states that this is her dream wedding and who was at the wedding stating there were A-list guest that attended the wedding.
The colour scheme for this issue is bright colours such as the main coverline which is yellow with white, pink and some black.

NEW! Magazine chantelle main cover story

The new! magazine is one with all the celeb gossip. the main image is on the right hand side featuring Chantelle with a full exclusive on her new baby and partner Alex.
The issue has a colour scheme of pink, yellow, light blue and dark blue which is around the main image.
The magazine shows the price of this weeks issue, which is 99p which already shows it appeals to people of a working class because it has the gossip from the celebrities that appeal to the certain people in the society.
The magazine s pulished weekly so that people that buy the magazine are updated on the 'celeb' gossip, and who is having the worst week compared to others celebrities.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Glamour's new year special with the Kardashian sisters

The kardashians on the cover if GLAMOUR for the new year's special.
On the cover of glamour there are coverlines which indicate what is going to be in the rest of the issue.
The magazine's colour scheme is mainly pink indicating a girly magazine as it contains 100 amazing makeovers.
The kardashians are the main feature of this magazine as they are the main image. There is an interview from kourtney, kim and khloe which shows that they are the main story for the issue for this week/month.
All the Kardashians have a wide range of fans and have their own television called 'keeping up with the Kardashians' their main fan base is the united states and the united kingdom.

ELLE with Kristen Stewart

ELLE is one of the main high fashion magazine.
As Kristen Stewart is the main image for the issue this week/month. the feature will be mainly about her.
The magazine is based on females with fashion, make-up and how they have presented that issue with ELLE in a shade of pink.
The issue gives the price and website so you know exactly how much and where you can get more information from.
Also the magazine cover is in a different language showing the magazine is world wide and not just in one country.
The barcode is on the bottom of the cover away from the main image and coverlines.
The price of the issue is at the bottom with the barcode and the top of the magazine showing how much the magazine will cost with is 2 euro's for this country.
Kristen Stewart is giving the readers full eye contact which seems to have an importance, she is a well known and a well repected actress, the magazine knows if someone important magazines will sell, The film she is more known for is bella from the Twilight Saga and has done 5 films from the twilight saga and she plays an amazing part in it too.

Vogue magazine featuring Adele

A vogue magazine a high end magazine featuring adele for the months issue.
Adele is the main image of the issue, she also has an exclusive in the issue which will be the main story for the months isssue, but also contains other articles such as the spring collection for the fall.
The colour scheme vogue has used for this issue is red and black which shows to be making a statement for people's attention to by the months issue.
Adele gives us eye contact and the parted lips showing the issue is seductive and that she may have something to tell in the magazine it makes the buyer insteaded in buying the magazine.
The colour scheme is red white and black and the red shows off the new spring look for the vogue magazine.

March 2011 Oscars OK! Magazine

OK! is presenting the oscars from march 2011 showing what all the stars of hollywood wore on that very special day.
we know that the oscars are the main feature of the issue for the week because of all the images and the main cover title which is scattered across the bottom issue.
However it does have other stories that will be included in this week/months issue.
The slogan for the issue is covering the dresses from the oscars and doesn't give the reader a clear view of what they wore so that would have to buy it to see what is what? and who dressed the best for the main event.
The magazine has other heading/coverlines that make the reader more interested in buying the magazine.

vogue magazine with emma stone

Vogue magazine is a high end fashion magazine.
The style of this magazine is to promote different styles of fashion.
Emma stone is the feature for the august 2012 issue. As it features her new hollywood film.
The magazine is giving women the ideal fashion for this season and showing you how to wear them with images around the page.
The coverlines around the main image is to show there is other articles in the magazine than the latest season for clothes.
The colour scheme for this months vogue is a pink bright, white and black with different types of font around the magazine of the coverlines.
Emma stone is a well known actress like i have mentioned before, but recently she featured in the new spiderman movie which would be casted in the area of the magazine as she is named ' Hollywood heorine'. The image is simple and elgant she has full eye contatct with the readers and showing one of the jumpers for the autumn fashion.