Wednesday 17 October 2012

vogue magazine with emma stone

Vogue magazine is a high end fashion magazine.
The style of this magazine is to promote different styles of fashion.
Emma stone is the feature for the august 2012 issue. As it features her new hollywood film.
The magazine is giving women the ideal fashion for this season and showing you how to wear them with images around the page.
The coverlines around the main image is to show there is other articles in the magazine than the latest season for clothes.
The colour scheme for this months vogue is a pink bright, white and black with different types of font around the magazine of the coverlines.
Emma stone is a well known actress like i have mentioned before, but recently she featured in the new spiderman movie which would be casted in the area of the magazine as she is named ' Hollywood heorine'. The image is simple and elgant she has full eye contatct with the readers and showing one of the jumpers for the autumn fashion.

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